Who are you?
I'm a redneck geek with a taste for some of the finer things in life. I like guns, hunting, preparedness, computers, fine books and classical music. If you think that's a contradiction, you need to get out more, and experience something other than the artificial "diversity" a university, a large city, or the mass media gives you.
What's with all the green?
It reminds me of my youth. I started using computers before color screens were common. My first computer had no graphics, and only a green monochrome screen. I still think it's the easiest to read. All this white background is fine for paper, but I find it annoying to read and it gives me headaches. I'll stick to my beloved black background with green text. Interestingly, I hate the color green.
Which University did you work for?
Let's just say I want to maintain some anonymity here. I made some enemies there, and want to be able to say what I want here. I'm free and open in other places, but they are unconnected with this site.
Why So long between updates?
I suck. Really, I get sidetracked on other things and can't think of what to write about, so I go months here without another post. I'm trying to do better. Perhaps I'll take 15 minutes each day and post something, even if it's bad.